Lucerne Valley Museum & History Assn.

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The Long-Awaited 2nd Addition of Lucerne Valleys History Book Is Now Available at Many Local Retailers and Museum Events
Help Set The "Stage" For History
The Lucerne Valley Museum Association strives to light that spark once more and truly bring history to life.
By making the museum a social hub for the residents of Lucerne Valley,
The Lucerne Valley Museum was originally a satellite of the San Bernardino County Museum. We received our charter on May 8, 1965, under the leadership of President Frances Hanken. Years following, Orville Greene was elected president on June 15, 1983. Meetings were moved to the LV Community Center in November of that year. Greene increased membership with presentations, field trips, and potluck dinners, growing to over 250 by December of 1989.
During Orville’s tenure, we separated from SB County Museum and became a separate entity in April of 1985. Greene acquired the showcases, displays and helped established the current Outdoor Display. Charles Rader became president and curator for over 20 years, leading the association to upgrade the walking tours, promote more donations, and work with local civic groups.
From 2010 to 2017, our president was Barbara “Rusty” LaGrange, who continues developing museum networking, a facelift for the outdoor space, and promoting interactive children’s Discovery Stations, themed buildings, and our Evening Desert Series. Louis Kannenberg, a past president, made strides in document storage and building displays, promoted more Evening Desert Series presentations and increased membership.
Our current president, Chelsea J. LaGrange, brings a more youthful focus on interpretative displays, Kids’ Krafts during our First Saturdays Open Tours, Final Fridays events, younger memberships, and helped recruit more Board members to meet our future goals and establish an active calendar.

History of The Logo
Its not just a logo is a symbolizes so much more...
Our logo, the plow & the wagon wheel, signify the agricultural and mining influences of the Crossroads of the High Desert.
Memories, of how we have grown and survived, live within the first plowed fields, the first wagons, the first pioneers who made Lucerne Valley their home. Now we continue seeking ways to help maintain and preserve our symbols of living heritage. The Lucerne Valley Museum & History Association works hard to keep these old-time treasures safe. We strive to expand our collection, to share our valley’s cultural and history with our school children and their families. Our association will continue fostering research and education, to create and maintain collections of art, archaeology, ethnology, history, and science; and, to preserve the relics and records of our pioneer days; and, to further a better understanding of the sciences and the arts.
Whats Happening This Month
Po. Box 1762 Lucerne Valley, CA 92356, USA